Last Session
Aaaaalright, we had plenty of time last friday to play and some fun things happened. Get ready for some gore, intrigue and pvp.
I probably should have written sooner, but I was busy with Dwarf Fortress, playing out an epic story about a long lost holy scripture of a god stolen by an Ettin, necromancer dwarven kings and war against elves.
Nonetheless, heres what happened last session:
The Characters:
Miss Penchu, the human magic user, played by
Mei, the Woodelf Fighter, played by
Drago, the lizardman fighter, played by
Eine Frau, the Tiefling Specialist, played by
Hansi, the Human retainer of Miss Penchu
Hubert, the Human retainer of Drago
Wolfgang, the Human Sungod Cleric retainer of Drago
So this Walter White looking cleric dude asked them to clean up that new dungeon right? That dude still has no name, though.
Right. I actually have some troubles remembering everything, don't know if because that session was almost only high octane dungeon crawling or because it was the longest session so far. As usual I can't be bothered to recap the layout of the dungeon in fancy words because I suck, so enjoy this drawing.
Seriously, feel free to steal that shit if you can't be bothered to draw some dungeons. |
So they went inside, from the entry to 1, because they hella didn't feel checking out the region. (They'll learn, I hope) They started to fight a bit with their retainers, Drago commanded Hubert to lead the party and he really didn't felt like it, so they squabbled for a bit, with Hubert threatening to leave the party. Drago told him to fuck off, so Hubert quit their agreement and joined Eine Frau, who he dearly wanted to impress. I felt Ceco's, who played Drago, bloodlust rising, lol. In the meantime, Penchu told Hansi to open the goddamn door to 1, which he did, although feeling uneasy. As I told last time, Troglodytes lived in this cave and their stench mixed with the smell of undead really upset some stomachs. I described opening the door like opening an infernal dishwasher, and Miss Penchu and Hubert started retching. Drago took this opportunity to bully Hubert a bit. After drinking some water and acclimating to the stench, they went inside and saw an old mural depicting a war scenery on the eastern wall. beside the doors north and south were some finely crafted statues of warrior looking dudes with sharp facial structures that were decorated with blue robes. Drago took some of the fabric with him and they decided to go south, because the smell was stronger at the south. So they went inside 2, which was a hall filled with trash, troglodyte poop and dead half eaten adventurers and got ambushed by four sneaky troglodytes, who heard them entering and retching. They weren't happy about it, to be honest. The Girls were chill as fuck, but Till and Ceco complained a bit. So they got flanked, right? The Troglodytes flanked the middle of the adventurer chain and murdered the shit out of Miss Panchu and Hubert. Luckily the rest survived, although wounded. (Not cavegirl-wounded, though).
At this point, our food order came, I ate a shawarma, Julia made some coffee and Till made a new character. Man I love hummus.
Oh, I almost forgot. Miss Penchu died, but Hansi, the useless chubby retainer fought like a madman against the troglodytes, even wounding one or two. Absolute legend. They saw potential in him and Eine Frau recruited him for 30% of her loot in that dungeon. He accepted. After this fight, his confidence skyrocketed. Remember this fact for later, lol.
Alright, we ate, drank some coffee, I dual-wielded a beer because I opened one before Julia suggested coffee and the now injured party left the spooky-ass dungeon.
They chilled at a small guestroom in the shabby church, helped the clerics with a bit of their work and were allowed to stay for a week and save a ration every other day. After some days (I don't remember how many), some dude entered their room.
The curtain lifts for:
Fuhan, the human magic user, played by
I liked Fuhan. He was a very charming guy but had a rather strong squint. He was a flashy newbie wizard and wanted to go on an adventure, so he joined the party. They asked him of his skills and then fun stuff happened.
You see, Till never even casted one spell with Miss Penchu, lol. And he rolled charm person. One of the stronger level one spells, I'd say. And as many people know, new wizard players tend to get mad with power, which I dearly enjoy as a DM.
So Fuhan was rather the show than tell kinda guy and he blasted Drago charm person in his scaly face. This is a pivotal moment for the group, regarding friendship, trust and their love for magic-users.
Mei and Eine Frau were really not excited. Unlike Fuhan, who got a new best buddy. There happened a lot of out-of-character shit and they hated the fucking smug look on Tills face. So next day comes, Drago goes out to grab some beer for himself and his new best friend, and Mei and Eine Frau started murdering the ever living shit out of Fuhan. Fuhan blasted Eine Frau with charm person and she decided to step back. After some bloody fighting between Eine Frau und Fuhan, the Wizard was dead and the spell lost its power over Drago and Mei. The Headpriest checked out what the fuck happened and they told him the story how this motherfucker charmed Drago. Frankly he gave no shit, he got shit to do. He asked them to bury Fuhans mangled corpse and get fucking done with the dungeon. So They chilled for some days to tend to Eine Fraus wounds and yet another person joined them in their small room.
The curtain lifts for:
Sareh, yet another human magic user, played by
This black haired girl is apparently the younger Sister of Fuhan. Nobody knows this, yet. Don't know if this will ever be relevant though. She isn't as charming as Fuhan (yes, I know), is rather small, has black straight hair and a face-veil.
They didn't trust her a single bit. But they were low on helping hands so they reluctantly accepted to take Tills character with them, although he couldn't stop looking as shady as possible. Till didn't enjoy this distrust, but hell, I did. It was amazing. Drago, Eine Frau, Mei and Hansi really grew together through the hardships they faced, so they decided some things:
- Traitors will be fucking murdered on the spot
- You gotta prove yourself, or you can fuck right off
Now with this little distraction gone, they packed their shit and headed again for the scary
Toooomb of the Blueeee Barooonnn~
I like cheesy names okay, don't judge, maybe I'll post this dungeon as a PDF some time, for you guys to steal.
So they went to 1, from which they went to 2 and then took the stairs down to 14. There they found a pretty big statue of this guy I call the blue baron here. The statue had some gemstones for eyes and the party quickly pried the blue alexandrite out of the rocky face. Below the statue they found a locked chest. Eine Frau checked it out, found nothing wrong with it, so Mei started to open it up with her crowbar. She heard the breaking of a glass flask and white fume started to leak out. Luckily she saved against death (I really enjoy the elven axe murderer), so she jumped away in time. The party waited until the gas vanished and they found hella loot in the old chest. They found Tourmaline, gold earrings with garnet and 1000 cash money. (I use silver standard)
That has been the first treasure they found, so they were rather happy.
Hansi the retainer started to man up and confidently opened doors for the party, which they really fucking loved. At this point he was better integrated into the party than Sareh, Tills new character.
They went to 15, killed a single ghoul and stole a silver ring with tourmaline from the corpse. They went to 16, and holy shit they found seven fucking Troglodytes. They closed the door and shut it close with their crowbar. Pretty quick thinking. They heard them trying to open the door but then stopped after a while. The party peeked inside and saw that they left. They correctly suspected that the dungeon loops, so they locked the eastern door in 15 the same way. in 16 they spotted four troglodytes waiting in alcoves and shadows, trying to ambush them again. The room has been a bit bigger so the troglodytes were a bit spread out. Hansi and Drago charged the first two, while the others pelted the enemies with bolts and arrows. They weren't that effective and to their dismay, their good friend Hansi got slaughtered. The cleric retainer Wolfgang tried to protect the ranged combatants and got half his face ripped away, which he survived though. After some brutal combat the party was victorious and had time to check out the room. But first Sareh decided to pry the silver ring from Hansis cold, chubby fingers, which the party really didn't took well. Drago even started slapping her. I loved it. She argued that she didn't want to steal it, but she was afraid the others would forget the ring on his finger. They didn't believe her. After this discussion they started to inspect the room.
It was a great hall with alcoves and decorations and in the middle has been a table with hella loot. They found: 500 copper coins, 1000 silver coins, 2 zircons, one tourmaline, a silver chain, a silver statuette of the blue baron and a rpg dice-set made out of jade with bronze numbers.
From left to right: 15' pole, the 15' pole Sareh, the distrusted magic-user Mei, the elven one-armed axe murderer the mangled corpse of Hansi Drago, the lizardman fighter Eine Frau, the tiefling specialist Wolfgang the cleric retainer. |
I've forgotten to tell, Drago started collecting thighbones of his fallen friends. He plans to build an amazing Halberd. He has currently the thighbone of Miss Penchu and Hansi. They decided to leave the dungeon and have done so with no problems, while dragging Hansis dead ass out of there.
Back in the church they started to split the loot. Wolfgang didn't want some, so they split the loot between the four of them, with Sareh getting the least of it. They argued a bit and the core of the party (being Mei, Drago and Eine Frau) told Sareh that she's a fucking creep and useless so far. They lamented their companions death and pressed Sareh to reveal her face and tell them what the fuck she's good at. Coerced into revealing herself she reluctantly showed them that she just has no nose and is just a shitty wizard with really bad spells. The party had a pretty good collection of level 1 magic-user books, lol, and they discussed if they let Sareh learn something. They had the book of Gogiga, Cecos first character, Miss Penchu and Furhans book. Penchu learned sleep from Chelestra the Witch, so they gave Sareh the book that she could at least be of some use to them. They were really fucking uneasy with her learning spells though. And Till couldn't fucking stop his shit-eating evil fucking grin, which absolutely didn't fucking help his cause. That fucker. We all know that he will betray them at some point. Learning sleep took one day, Walter White came to them and slapped their butts with cure light wounds after seeing that Wolfgang lost half his face and left without a word and so the party was ready for the next descent.
Rather than explore side-routes they wanted to explore their taken path further, which annoyed me a bit. They Went back to 16, I actually don't know if I rolled one random encounter, which I checked for every 10 minutes. They were really lucky in that regard. But whatever.
From 16 they went into 17, opening doors with their trusty 15' pole, and found that the floor was littered with corpses. Like, imagine a carpet made out of carcasses. They were obviously reluctant to enter the room, so they chilled out a bit, probed it, threw some shit inside to check if some of the bodies would move and then rushed trough it to the eastern door to 19. They found a really pretty hall that illuminated itself with blue flames along the walls. You know the trope. In the room was a stairway leading south up to a stone pavilion/gazebo thingie in which a small column stood. On the column were the holy text of Marodas, an old god of war. Julia really enjoyed this room.
from there they took the eastern door and went to 13, found two ghouls, which they fought. They were a bit overconfident and Eine Frau lost a leg. lol. Drago missed a Ghoul which was wrestling with her and absolutely fucking severed her right leg above the knee, which has been propelled away by the blow. They decided to press on, because Alina, the player of Eine Frau, absolutely didn't want to go back to the surface. She told her party to take her cash money and leave her as bait if something shitty happens. Drago and Mei objected. What a heart warming moment between three psychopaths. Remember, these fucks sold a family of poor, cursed bastards to an evil witch.
They went north to 12 and found a zombie with only one arm, no legs and a brass trumpet. The Zombie blew into the trumpet and made a really pathetic sound, warning the blue baron and his servants in the room upstairs to the left.
They put the undead to rest and took his trumpet and went north to 11. Didn't feel like checking out the stairs. Good. Didn't want to end the night with a total party kill.
In 11 they saw some Zombies in not-roman armor. I had been annoyed by them just blindly rushing into battles and getting slaughtered, which they absolutely would have been at this point, so I once, only once, suggested maybe outsmarting their enemies. They got a rope, they could lure them into the room and let them fall over and then smash their skulls in. They were seemingly amazed that they even could do that. I were really confused at that point. I mean, these guys didn't play much video games and had almost no experience with other rpgs, why did they think that they couldn't avoid combat?
Well I usually don't want to influence the players that much, but it was for the best. Two of them stretched a rope across the entrance and waited for the zombies to run inside. The zombies did, got caught, and I decided to roll how many zombies would fall over.
No zombie did, lol. But they still kept them from reaching inside, and the ranged characters started shooting these zombie fucks. After most of them were dead, they let the rest in and started pummeling the remaining ones. They were victorious.
I absolutely forgot to tell that Mei looted a crossbow from Furhan. She bonded with her axe, though, so she likes to utilize both. How is she reloading, are you thinking, right? Well, she's the one-armed axemurderer, she's a badass. She locks the crossbow on a carabiner on her belt and starts cranking, that's how she's doing it. Don't ask okay my characters are badasses.
They went to 11, found nothing of interest and checked out the stairs. They saw 7 skeletons with their back turned to them, guarding the stair from which they are coming, interestingly. They locked up the southern door in 11, which was actually really good. After realizing that they don't have to fight fair, they started to oil up the stair. Drago blew the trumpet, almost all skeletons fell on their asses, exept one, who stood in the doorway up the stairs and they lit the puddle with a spark. The skeletons started burning up and the party started to hack them into pieces. Drago critfailed and I ruled that his Halberd started burning, which he enjoyed, though. Behind them they heard undead pounding at their locked door. That could have gone really bad.
They went up the stairs to 9, found nothing interesting and carried on to 8. In 8 they found tanning skins of humans and broken symbols of the sungod nailed to the walls. That really rustled Wolfgangs jimmies. In an alcove they found a bust of the blue baron, before it was a small plate filled with teeth, bones, and blue candles. Wolfgang was about to rip the bust out and break it, but the group calmed him somewhat. They went to 4 and saw three Troglodytes. Sareh put them to sleep and they happily slit their throats. After they massacred them they went to 3 and found a statue of a blue painted warrior with tourmalines for eyes. They quickly took them and discovered an amateurishly crafted, slimy and stinky crate filled with 400 copper coins and one hematite, which they gladly took. Luckily they went west and found room 1, the room which they started in.
Julia has been keeping a map of the dungeon, but she didn't felt like precisely drawing the dungeon down, so this was really lucky actually. They honestly weren't in a state to further explore, so they left.
It was pretty late in the night at this point, and Alina has been fighting falling asleep for a while now, so we packed our shit. She drove home, Ceco fell asleep while Till, Julia and I watched some memes and then Ceco and I took the bus home.
Oh boy, what will happen next time? Will Sareh prove herself to the party or will she betray them? Will the blue baron absolutely kill all of them? Or will they just leave?
Until next time!
Which is next friday. Not sure when I'll report back, this shit takes fucking time to write down, holy shit.
Next Session